
The Foundation contributes greatly to youth sailing, and has bigger plans ahead …. But it takes much volunteerism and money. Most needed is cash donations. No amount is too small or too big.

Ways to donate:

  1. Mail a check to: NBYC Foundation, 208 Elm Street, Dartmouth, MA 02748
  2. Inform NBYC to charge the donation to your club account via email
  3. Donate with your credit card through PayPal.

If you wish, you may restrict your donations to a specific area like Sailing School, or Clubhouse.

We can work with you on equity transactions or estate plans too – which can reduce cap gains liabilities.

We also accept in-kind donations, but only boats or equipment that we can use for our programs.

Please contact any of our officers for a confidential discussion. Or if you wish to volunteer time.